What Are the Advantages of Sous Vide Cookers?

What Are the Advantages of Sous Vide Cookers?

First, retain the original flavor of ingredients.
The cooking method of sous vide cookers is relatively unique. In general, the temperature of the water is kept at about 60 degrees. We need to put the ingredients into vacuum bags that can resist high temperatures and use vacuum sealers to extract the air in the bags. Then the food can be placed in sous vide cookers and boiled in a constant temperature environment. In this way, the original taste of food will be maintained.
Second, maximize the reservation of nutrition.
Our traditional ways of cooking have some deficiency in the preservation of nutrition, as cooking at high temperatures will destroy the nutrients. While due to the constant temperature in sous vide cookers, the nutrients in the foods will be reserved to the full extent. And foods at the proper temperature can also release monosodium glutamate which is good for our health. In short, sous vide cooking is superior to others in nutritional terms.
Third, reduce the moisture loss of food.
The volume and weight of food will become much smaller after the process of cooking because of the loss of water. However, cooking with sous vide cookers can lock the moisture as much as possible to ensure the taste of food.
Fourth, create a fresher and more tender taste.
The food cooked by sous vide cookers will have a deeper flavor than those made by other methods. On one hand, the water in the food has been maintained extremely. On the other hand, this cooking method will keep the meat in a state of freshness and being prepared for eating. Hence, the taste of the food is excellent.
Fifth, improve the absorption of nutrients for people.
When using sous vide cookers, we're able to taste the original flavor of food basically without adding any seasonings or with just a little salt or oil. What's more, fewer seasonings can also preserve the nutrients in the food as much as possible so that they will be more easily absorbed by our bodies.