Vacuum Cooking Recipe: Pork Neck with Apple Date Jam

Vacuum Cooking Recipe: Pork Neck with Apple Date Jam

Ingredients for Sous Vide Pork Neck
 Pork Neck 500g  4 Slices of Ginger 2 Cloves of Garlic Lemon Juice 15ml A Stalk of Celery A Stalk of Lemongrass
 Red Onion 20g  Half A Facing Heaven Pepper Some Black Pepper and Salt  Light Soy Sauce 20ml   Dark Soy Sauce 8ml  Fish Sauce 10ml

Ingredients for Making Apple Date Jam
Candied Date 100g Green Apple 260g Water 260g Unsalted Butter 16g Vinegar 30g Red Chili Powder 1g

Cooking Time

8 Hours


Step 1: Prepare ingredients for marinating the meat.

· Dice ginger, garlic, celery, lemongrass and red onion.

· Mince them in the blender with olive oil, and then add some lemon juice.

Step 2: Marinate.

· Season the pork neck with the appropriate amount of black pepper, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and fish sauce, and spread them evenly.

· Pour the minced marinade on the meat and get it rubbed evenly.

Step 3: Seal.

· Put the pork neck into a vacuum seal bag and seal it with a vacuum sealer.

· It takes more than 1 hour to marinate the sealed pork neck.

Step 4: Make apple date jam when seasoning the meat.

· Peel and dice the apples and mix them with butter. Bake them in the oven at 200℃ until they are burnt slightly. (Tips: Green apples will taste better.)

· Add red chili powder and stir well.

· Stew the candied dates in a pot with water until the amount of water is reduced by half.

· Filter out the dates and remove the date seeds.

· Continue to cook the candied dates until the juice becomes syrupy. Add the baked apple and one capful of vinegar, then whip them all together.

· Beat them in a mixer.

· Filter the dense sauce out.

Step 5: Sous vide pork neck.

· Cook pork neck with the sous vide circulator at 55℃ for 6 hours.

· Take out the meat and bake it in the oven at 180℃ for 15 minutes.

· Slice the port neck and serve with apple date jam.

The port neck cooked in sous vide cooking tastes tender and juicy, with the palate being full of complex layers of flavor after the meat is baked slightly. And it is very suitable to be eaten with apple date jam, creating a feeling of freshness.

Pork Neck with Apple Date Jam