Two Recipes for Steak

Two Recipes for Steak

Roasted Steak with Vinegar and Rosemary
Mix vinegar, olive oil and rosemary and keep for 6 hours.

Put 250ml of vinegar, 165g of olive oil, 60g of chopped rosemary and 1350g of steak in a bag and seal the bag. Put the bag in the refrigerator. Stir the ingredients in the bag several times. Remove the steak and let its temperature turn to room temperature. Remove the marinade; put salt and black pepper, and apply 40 grams of olive oil. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius and bake for 30 minutes. Turning once in between. Serve after 10 minutes of standing.
Cola Curry Fried Steak

Mix coke, Thai green curry paste and pepper and keep them for 15 minutes.

Cooking steps
Mix 1000ml of cola, 10g of Thai green curry paste, 10g of thinly sliced peppers and 650g of sliced steak and keep them for 15 minutes. Grease the grill; brush the steak with oil. Put salt and black pepper. Grill for 8 minutes and let it rest for 10 minutes. Pour 448 grams of chili sauce and 20 grams of oil into a large pot. Cook for 4 minutes. Stir constantly; put 168 grams of cornflakes and continue to cook for 2 minutes. Put 60 grams of coriander, and pour the food into a bowl. Put the steak on a plate. Put 2 diced avocados, 60g of cheese and lime cubes.
Please note that if you want the steak to be tender, you can cook it in a sous-vide cooker before frying.