Two Different Ways to Cook Saury

Two Different Ways to Cook Saury

Many people think that saury is not easy to handle and has a fishy smell. Today, I will teach you how to cook saury. I remove internal organs of saury, if not it will have a bitter taste. In fact, Japanese roast saury with the internal organs. I think this is the most authentic taste of saury.
Fried saury in a pan

3 saury, appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of cumin powder, 1 spoon of white wine and 1 small piece of lemon
Cooking steps
1. Wash the saury and remove the internal organs.
2. Cut the saury on both sides.
3. Apply 1 tablespoon of white wine and appropriate amount of salt all over the fish, even inside the fish belly; marinate for about ten minutes.
4. In a flat non-stick pan, heat the pan with less oil. Add the fish, and then cumin powder. Fry the saury on both sides until both sides are golden. Squeeze some lemon juice on saury when eating.
Grilled saury with lemon

3 saury, 1 lemon, an appropriate amount of salt, black pepper, and olive oil
Cooking steps
1. Remove the internal organs of the saury; wash and drain the water. Cut on the surface of the saury. Squeeze half a lemon juice. Add a little black pepper and salt, and marinate for 30 minutes.
2. Spray a little olive oil on the surface of the marinated saury.
3. Put it in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. After the surface is dry and colored, turn it over and continue baking for about 10 minutes.
4. After baking, take the saury out. Spread the remaining lemon slices on the surface of the saury, and serve immediately.
The taste of saury made according to the Japanese method is relatively simple. If you want to change the way of eating, you can try the Chinese method. Add more ingredients, and the taste will be much richer.

Please note that if you want saury to be more tender, you can use a sous-vide cooker to cook it for several hours before frying.
No matter what method is used to cook saury, it must be eaten while it is hot, as it will have a fishy smell when it is cold. Some people may not be used to the simple taste of salt-fried or salt-baked saury, so you can add some strong seasonings, such as curry, chili, etc. However, those who love the bitter taste might as well grill the organ together. Add some salt and lemon juice, and serve it with a pot of sake, it will be more delicious.