The Development Strategy of Sous-vide in China's Catering Industry

The Development Strategy of Sous-vide in China's Catering Industry

1. Actively promoting the cooperation and development of research units and practice units
Universities, scientific research institutions, restaurants, and food companies can establish cooperative relationships to transform experimental results into productivity and push them to front-line practice units. Conversely, the latter can also feedback on the practical experience and problems to the rear research units to achieve a positive interaction cycle, promote the in-depth and mature research of Sous-vide cooking, and better convert sous-vide cooking into production capacity. For example, because there are few pre-packaged traditional Chinese dishes by Sous-vide cooking that have been put on the market in China, a food company funded a scientific research unit to support the development and research of a certain Sous-vide products such as garlic white meat. The data results provided by the research group of the company are used to formulate the production process standard of a Sous-vide product, and finally establish the production line of this product to realize the mass production and put it on the market, and realize the three points from the laboratory to the production line, and then to the consumer's table. While providing a new way of presentation for traditional dishes in China, it also gives consumers a new choice of eating methods.
2. Promoting the localization, intelligence and civilianization of related supporting equipment
Since most of the equipment and utensils are imported, the price is often high; the operation being not easy enough has caused certain obstacles to users, which increases the difficulty of popularizing related equipment in China. If the related cooker can be made in China, there will be more Chinese consumers willing to know about Sous-vide cooking, which will also lay the foundation for it to enter the homes of the general public. The basic production technical requirements of Sous-vide equipment are not high. In fact, it is similar to the constant temperature water bath equipment commonly used in laboratories. With China's manufacturing level, independent production can be achieved. Therefore, in addition to promoting the self-production of related equipment to reduce equipment costs, the intelligent and civilian development of equipment, strengthening operability such as one-key operation and remote control, convenience and practicality (for example, making Chinese dishes should be promoted. Develop corresponding mobile APPs and make the complicated data into a simple process that can be used by ordinary people. For example, if the user wants to make red oil shredded chicken, he can set the relevant parameter information such as types, parts, sizes and thickness and target tenderness. The suitable combination of Sous-vide heating temperature and time can be calculated for users' reference according to individual needs, and users can make delicious Chinese dishes accordingly.
3. Strengthening publicity and technology exchanges
At present, there are few school-running institutions specializing in teaching Sous-vide technology in China, and even private training classes are rare, which has created a big obstacle to the dissemination and popularization of related knowledge and technology. Many practice units regard their results as their secret recipes and are reluctant to communicate with all parties. Therefore, it is particularly important to encourage exchanges between all parties to popularize the Sous-vide method. Each practice unit can conduct exchanges in the form of technical seminars, exchange meetings or production competitions, and can also organize relevant training courses to promote. Considering that the development of foreign Sous-vide cooking is more mature and perfect, domestic units can strengthen learning and exchanges with foreign countries, and update knowledge and technology in time. At the same time, Sous-vide cooking should be developed based on China's national conditions, and foreign experience cannot be blindly copied. Moreover, the active dissemination of mass media and the establishment of Internet communities also play an important role in promotion. Newspapers, magazines, television or the Internet help people better understand Sous-vide cooking, and the establishment of online communities has a great impact on the popularization of Sous-vide cooking. Users can display results and exchange experience, and can also organize parties or exchange activities on their own, and share the new application of Sous-vide cooking with others, which can increase closeness and attract more new users.
Sous-vide cooking has had a range of impacts on the restaurant industry, food industry and people's way of life since its appearance. In developed countries, people can taste delicious food cooked by Sous-vide cooking in the restaurant, which is simple to make and tastes better than canned and frozen food bought in the supermarket. However, this technology is just emerging in China, and it needs all sectors of society to discover more potential and charm of Sous-vide cooking. If we can combine the profound Chinese food culture with Sous-vide cooking, it will make countless traditional Chinese food Culture comes alive on the stage of modern food.