Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part One)

Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part One)

The marinating and tenderizing process is an indispensable part of the traditional processing process of marinated pork products. By marinating, not only the flavor of marinated pork products can be increased, but also tenderization can be obtained. We will introduce the raw materials and cookers for sauced beef cooked by sous-vide cooking.
2.1 Materials and equipment
2.1.1 Raw materials
The raw materials used in the test are shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Materials and manufacturers for the test
Items Manufacturers
Beef Tendon Harbin Haoyue Halal Meat Industry Co., Ltd.
Salt China Salt Industry Corporation
A sweet sauce made of fermented flour Shandong Xinhe Food Industry Co., Ltd.
Cinnamon Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Angelica dahurica Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Clove Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Star Anise Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Cardamom Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Sicuan pepper Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Fructus amomi Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Cooking wine Heilongjiang Century Jialiang Condiment
Ginger Purchased from Carrefour Xinyang Road Store in Harbin
2.1.2 Instruments and Equipment
The equipment used in the experiment is shown in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Equipment and manufacturers
Equipment Manufacturers
TMS-PRO Texture Analyzer American FTC Company in the U.S.
H2050R-1 High-speed Refrigerated Centrifuge Xiangyi Centrifuge Instrument Co., Ltd.
J-V05 Vacuum Packaging Machines Suzhou Hongwan Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
HD120-T26 Constant Temperature Water Tanks Pulvma Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
JD200-3 Electronic Balance Shenyang Balance Instrument Co., Ltd.
50L Vacuum Tumbler Zhucheng Huipin Machinery Co., Ltd.
FE-28 PH Meter METTLER TOLEDO International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
SDBA01-100 Induction Cooker Zhejiang Supor Co., Ltd.
2.2 Experimental methods
2.2.1 Tenderization and marinating The recipe for the marinade
The following ingredient is calculated according to the weight of the meat: 200% of water, 20% sweet sauce made of fermented flour, 0.4% cinnamon, 0.3% angelica dahurica, 0.4% clove, 0.3% star anise, 0.3% cardamom, 0.3% fructus amomi, 0.4% Sichuan pepper, 0.6% star anise, 1.5% cooking wine and 7.2% salt. Weigh the seasonings in the recipe and pour them into the pot. Boil them for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool it for later use. Processes
Remove the anadesma from the beef tendon. Cut it into pieces of 3.0 cm × 3.0 cm × 6.0 cm. Put it in the cooled marinating ingredient and soak it at 4°C for 48 hours in a refrigerated condition. Inject 5 ml of ginger juice of the corresponding concentration into the meat. In the beef, the corresponding proportion of marinating liquid (liquid-to-meat mass ratio) was put into the tumbler (rub and roll at a temperature of 4°C), and the concentration of injected ginger juice and the design of tumbler were shown in the experimental design below.
2.2.2 Single factor experimental design of tumbling processes
Select the concentration of injected ginger juice, the proportion of added pickling liquid (liquid meat mass ratio), and the tumbling time for single-factor experiments. The factor level table is shown in 2-3.
Table 2-3 Single factor test design of rubbing and rolling processes
Levels Factors
The concentration of ginger juice (%) Marinating ratio (%) Rubbing and rolling time (h)
1 20 25 5
2 25 30 6
3 30 35 7
4 35 40 8
5 40 45 9
2.2.3 Orthogonal experimental design for optimizing rubbing and rolling processes
On the basis of the single factor experiment, three factors, including the concentration of ginger juice, proportion of marinating, rubbing and rolling time were selected to design an L9 (3 4) orthogonal experiment, and the optimal process of rubbing and rolling was explored through research. See 2-4 for the factor level table of the orthogonal test.
Table 2-4 Orthogonal test factors and levels of optimizing rubbing and rolling processes
Levels Factors
The concentration of ginger juice (%) Marinating ratio (%) Rubbing and rolling time (h)
1 25 25 7
2 30 30 8
3 35 35 9
2.2.4 Index determination methods Yield rates
Dry the skin of the marinated beef tendon with kitchen paper. Weighed and recorded as W1 (g); put it into a vacuum bag and sealed it by a vacuum sealer; put it in a water bath with a temperature of 62℃ and heated for 8 hours. Start timing when the center temperature of beef tendon reaches 62℃. Take out the sauced beef and wait for it to cool. Remove the marinade on the surface, and weigh it again as W2 (g). The calculation formula is shown in 2-7.
Yield = W2/W1×100%...................  (2-5)