Raw Materials of Western Food: Poultry

Raw Materials of Western Food: Poultry

The poultry is relatively tender and delicious, and it is rich in protein, vitamins and inorganic salts. It is a good raw material for dishes. Several types of poultry are often used in Western food.
1. Chicken
Chicken is commonly used in Western food.
Chicken more than one year old
For cooking, chickens more than one year old and with a weight of about 1.25 kg are the most suitable. This kind of chicken contains more soluble protein and is most suitable for cooking soup. It is used to cook various dishes, and its taste is also very nice. It can be cooked with bone or without bone. Generally, it should be selected according to the different parts of the chicken when used. For example, chicken breast and chicken tenderloin are the main parts of the chicken. This part of the chicken has few tendons. It is the best part of the chicken. It is suitable for various cooking methods such as frying. It can be made into various dishes, such as butter chicken rolls, fried chicken chops, and shredded cream chicken. Chicken legs have many tendons, and are tough, which can be used for braising, stewing or making soup. The boiled chicken legs can also be used for fried chicken legs.
Chicken less than one year old
A hen is best among the chicken less than one year old. Chicken breast and chicken legs can be used together, or can be used instead of chicken more than one year old. They can be fried, grilled or braised, which are ideal raw materials.
Baby chickens
Baby chickens are chickens that are just hatched that year, weighing 250 to 300 grams. This kind of chicken is extremely tender and can be fried, braised or stewed. It is often used as a whole in western food, such as braised bamboo shoot chicken in butter, grilled bamboo shoot chicken, etc.
It is from North America and is a unique cooking ingredient in Western food. Its flash is extremely white, fine and delicious. The names of the various parts of the turkey are the same as those of other chickens. The breast is white and tender. The leg is tough. Turkey is not suitable for soup and it is good to be roasted. 
The heart, liver, and gizzard of the turkey can be boiled, stewed, or roasted together with the chicken, all of which are delicious. Turkey is a must-have food for Christmas and New Year's Eve in western countries.
2. Ducks and geese
Duck and geese are also common ingredients in Western dishes. The amount of duck used is second only to chicken, and the amount of geese used is less due to insufficient supply. Ducks and geese are not as widely used as chickens. However, ducks and geese are generally fatter than chickens and have a very strong taste, which are often used in relatively high-end banquets.
A sous-vide cooker goes very well with poultry. Poultry cooker by sous-vide cookers are tender.