Raw Materials of Western Food: Beef

Raw Materials of Western Food: Beef

The raw materials used in Western food include livestock, poultry, aquatic products, game, dairy products, eggs, and fish products. Beef is the most used in western food, especially veal; followed by mutton and pork.
Western food is very fastidious about the use of beef. Generally, the beef is divided into 5 grades, and the beef is properly selected according to the different quality of the meat. Superfine refers to the tenderloin of beef. Because this part rarely exercises, the meat fiber is soft and it is the most tender part of the beef. Tenderloin is used to make various high-end dishes in Western food, such as fried tenderloin steak, creamy tenderloin shreds, grilled tenderloin and so on.
Grade one beef
The grade one beef is the back of the beef, including the outer spine and the bovine upper brain. This part of the meat is fat and thin, and the meat is tender. It is also a high-quality raw material.
Grade two beef
The upper part of the hind legs belongs to grade two beef
Grade three beef
Grade three beef includes foreleg, breast and ribs. The fiber of the foreleg is rough and the meat is tough. It is generally used for grinding beef and making various meat pies. Although the breast and ribs are tough, they are delicious, which are most suitable for stewing and boiling beef.
Grade four beef
Grade 4 beef includes neck, stomach and tendon. This part has more tendons and skin, and the meat is thick and tough, which is suitable for cooking soup. Tendon can also be made into sauce. The tail has a lot of tendons and skin, and it can be used to make soup.
In addition, the biggest feature of Western food is the selection of beef. The selection of beef is that it is very particular about the use of veal and baby beef, which is different from Chinese food.
Veal: A veal refers to a cow that is about half a year old. This type of veal is tender, juicy and has low fat. Its tenderloin is not only suitable for frying, but also suitable for charcoal-grilled tenderloin skewers. In addition to being used for frying, braising, and stewing, the calf's hind legs can also be used as roasted calf legs.
The calf's neck and tendon can be boiled, which is very delicious and incomparable to ordinary beef.
Baby beef: baby beef refers to calves about two months old. This type of beef is extremely tender, juicy and has low fat. In Western food, it is considered to be beef of top quality, and it can be fried, roasted and braised.
A sous-vide cooker is perfect for cooking beef in order to obatain tenderness.