Indian Chicken Rice

Indian Chicken Rice

Ingredients for 4 persons
200g basmati rice
20g coriander
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
100g carrots
350g chicken breast
100g string beans
50g butter
10g cumin
10g Indian curry masala
½ tsp paprika
10g turmeric
50g chopped ginger
100g yogurt
425ml chicken soup
1 lemon (juice)
An appropriate amount of salt
An appropriate amount of black pepper
Utensils: Knives, cutting boards, big saucepans, and measuring cups
Nutrition per serving
319 Calories
27 grams of protein
14 grams of fat
21 grams of carbohydrates
Step 1
Wash the rice in cold water. Roughly cut cilantro. Cut onion and garlic into small pieces. Peel the carrots. Cut carrots, chicken breast, and green beans into small pieces.
Step 2
Sauté the onion and garlic in the butter in a big saucepan over medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. Then add the chicken breast and fry for 5 to 7 minutes until it changes color. Put the fried chicken on a plate.
Step 3
Grate the ginger; then add the cumin, masala, paprika, turmeric and grated ginger to the saucepan. Fry for about 1 to 2 minutes. Add the yogurt, and cook until it boils. Then, add the rice.
Step 4
Add carrots and string beans and sauté for about 3 to 5 minutes. Add chicken soup and season with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat after the soup is boil. Cover the saucepan and continue to cook for about 10 to 12 minutes until the rice is cooked.
Step 5
Add the cooked chicken to a pot; add the cilantro and lemon juice, and stir them. The chicken rice can be served with homemade naan.

If you want the chicken breast to taste better, you can use Sous Vide Cookers to cook it.