Frequently Asked Questions on Choosing Sous Vide Cookers (Part Three)

Frequently Asked Questions on Choosing Sous Vide Cookers (Part Three)

3) The accuracy of water quantity, heating power, and temperature

Firstly, the main purpose of a sous-vide cooker is to control the temperature accurately. The power intensity of heating must not make the temperature rise rapidly, as it needs to keep a constant temperature and boil slowly for a long time. Every time the water temperature drops and then starts heating, it will greatly exceed the constant temperature, which will destroy the accuracy of temperature.

Secondly, the heating power of each model has been carefully studied by engineers in our factory and is set according to the accuracy of temperature control and the full pot of water (or food wrapped in water). If the amount of water is less, the error of water temperature will increase. That is to say, even if the food to be cooked slowly is only a small packet, a pot full of water must be needed.

If you cook with more food bags, please make sure to raise the water level to about 1 cm below the upper edge of the pot. In other words, fill the pot with water as much as possible. The food package should be completely covered with water. If the food package will surface, it can be fixed on the basket or shelf with clips or pressed under other kitchen articles (such as dishes and small bowls). When the lid is closed, it will be pressed into the water.

Supplementary note:
For the model with ultrasonic function, if the cleaning function is used, it is best to use only half a pot of water. Because in the case of cleaning, we don't have to pay attention to the accuracy of temperature, but the strength of cleaning. The less water, the greater the ultrasonic shock force can be. However, it must be remembered that it must never be used without water, which will cause the machine to break down.

5) Worried about the sterilization effect at low temperatures?

Most sous vide cooking is to keep the temperature at about 55 degrees Celsius or above. Some people worry that they can't sterilize. In fact, keeping the exact temperature according to the indicated time can achieve the sterilization purpose. There is a scientific theory: Pakistani Sterilization.

In actual use, most of them are cooked at low temperature until they are 50% to 80% mature according to the characteristics of different foods and then carry out processing (coloring or adding seasoning ingredients). The advantage of sous vide cooking is that it is prefabricated first and then processed in a short time, which can prevent the meat from being too old and hard.