Braised Meat in the Sauce by Sous-vide Cooking

Braised Meat in the Sauce by Sous-vide Cooking

Braised meat in the sauce is important in China's catering culture. Looking back on history, it sprouts from the application of wine and distillers' grains in cooking in the pre-Qin period. In the Song Dynasty, when the scientific and technological civilization advanced rapidly, the production process of braised meat in sauce became more and more mature, and a relatively complete recipe for the production of braised soup, sauce and distillers' grains appeared, which has also made the sauce widely used as a specific cooking technique, and has been continuously developed since then. All kinds of braised meat in sauce have entered thousands of households to accompany diners for more than a thousand years. Their attractive colors, crisp taste and refreshing aroma make them popular among diners. The rapid development of contemporary society and economy promotes the ever-accelerating pace of life. Consumers are beginning to pursue a higher living standard and a better dietary structure. Braised meat rich in protein and lipids closely meet the needs of the public, so it has a wide application.
With the gradual improvement of research results, the continuous enrichment of research content, the development of dietary concepts, and the accelerating pace of life, braised meat in sauce have also taken an important step towards the leisure of traditional food. It also often appears in the public eye as not only a delicious dish on the table but also a casual snack. Many snack companies have turned their development goals to braised products in sauce, which also proves that they have great development potential and room for growth. Braised meat in sauce cooked at low temperatures is one of the important development directions. Braised meat in sauce cooked at low temperatures has many advantages such as being juicy, delicious and tender, and rich nutrition, which can better shape the taste and flavor of braised meat. The fibrous tissue is kept intact due to the low heating temperature, and the nutrients such as amino acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals in it have been protected to the maximum extent, so it has more abundant nutrition and outstanding flavor. Taking the content of vitamins and amino acids in meat cooked at low temperatures as an example, the content of Vitamin b1 under low temperatures can reach more than 1,000 times that of the same meat under high-temperature heating; Vitamin b2 is also several times higher, and the total amount of various amino acids can reach as much as 1143 times.
The denaturation reaction of protein in low-temperature cooking is milder at lower temperatures, and the taste is more palatable; the digestibility is better. Protein-rich low-temperature fast food has gradually emerged in the field of fitness and catering because it is in line with the development concept of contemporary health and wellness. Seasoning with different spices can meet the needs of various dietary groups. Braised meat in the sauce cooked at low temperatures conforms to the development trend of the market, and the heating process is more conducive to enhancing the quality control of braised meat in sauce. The purpose of studying braised meat in sauce cooked at low temperatures is to optimize traditional cooking techniques, make reasonable reforms on the basis of inheritance, and develop new ideas for low-temperature cooking, with a view to gradually establishing a complete industrialization process of meat in sauce cooked by a sous-vide cooker, and contributing to the future development of meat in the sauce.