Page 3 of News & Events - Topper Sous Vide Cooker Co., Ltd.
Basic Tools for Molecular Gastronomy

Basic Tools for Molecular Gastronomy

  • Oct 08, 2022
  • Hits: 6

The concept of molecular gastronomy was not proposed by a chef but was first proposed in 1992 by a physicist named Nicolas Curti and a French chemist named Ivy Teas, the latter known as the father of...

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Sous-vide Cooking

Sous-vide Cooking

  • Oct 03, 2022
  • Hits: 5

Sous-vide cooking is a cooking method in which the ingredient is placed in a vacuum-sealed bag, and then placed in a constant-temperature water bath; it is cooked for a long time at a low temperature...

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Effects of Different Factors on the Quality of Sauced Beef (Part Two)

Effects of Different Factors on the Quality of Sauced Beef (Part Two)

  • Sep 24, 2022
  • Hits: 6

2.3.3 Effect of rubbing time on the quality of sauced beef by sous-vide cooking Effects of different rubbing time on yield, water holding capacity and pH The effects of different rubbing time...

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Effects of Different Factors on the Quality of Sauced Beef (Part One)

Effects of Different Factors on the Quality of Sauced Beef (Part One)

  • Sep 22, 2022
  • Hits: 2

2.3.1 Effects of concentration of ginger juice on the quality of sauced beef Effects of different concentrations of ginger juice on yield, water holding capacity and pH Table 2-8 shows the changes...

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Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part Two)

Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part Two)

  • Sep 09, 2022
  • Hits: 2 Water holding capacity Put the marinated beef tendon into a vacuum bag and seal it with a vacuum sealer, and put the bag in a cooker at a temperature of 62℃ and heat it for 8 hours....

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Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part One)

Sauced Beef Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking (Part One)

  • Sep 05, 2022
  • Hits: 5

The marinating and tenderizing process is an indispensable part of the traditional processing process of marinated pork products. By marinating, not only the flavor of marinated pork products can be increased,...

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The Safety of Meat Products in Sous-vide Cooking

The Safety of Meat Products in Sous-vide Cooking

  • Aug 25, 2022
  • Hits: 5

Issues with the safety of microorganisms and stability of shelves of low-temperature-cooked meat may overshadow its advantages in sensory quality. Meat is an ideal growth medium for many microorganisms,...

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Color and Flavor of Meat Products Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking

Color and Flavor of Meat Products Cooked by Sous-vide Cooking

  • Aug 22, 2022
  • Hits: 8

Extending the heating time and increasing the heating temperature appeared to negatively affect the juiciness and cooking loss of the meat. Becker and Christensen tested this hypothesis based on the results...

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The Texture of Meat Products in Low-temperature Slow Cooking

The Texture of Meat Products in Low-temperature Slow Cooking

  • Aug 15, 2022
  • Hits: 4

The texture is an important indicator for evaluating meat products, and there are many related studies. As early as the 1950s, studies have shown that comparing roasted beef for up to 43 hours at a temperature...

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